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I really like the art/animations but I ran into some issues with the game. For some reason the web version wouldn't load for me so I had to download it and even when I tried to change the settings there was no audio. Also I know the description says the game is very short but I'm not sure if there is something I am missing at what I think is the end. I got to the door which opens but as far as I can tell there is no way to go in or interact at all, not sure if that's just the end or if it goes to another level and I just couldn't figure out how to interact.

(6 edits)

Thanks a lot for playing <3 About the web, problems with that are my fault I had to change some build settings first. I was planning to add the audio and the levels but ran out of time. As for the current ending, you stay at the door for 5 seconds to win.